How you care for yourself during this crisis with make a difference in how well you recover from the crisis. We can ‘take charge’ of what our bodies need now, to make the best of our days. Here are some tips
Have compassion for yourself.
We have never been through something like this. There is no right or wrong way to experience a world wide pandemic. If your feelings seem unbearable – it’s ok. Have compassion for yourself and reach out to ‘safe’ people. Safe people are those who uplift you and make you feel seen, heard, and understood. Safe people have compassion for you, and care for you.
Control what is within your control.
This is self care. Create a daily schedule so you can still feel productive and ‘in charge’ of your life. Set your alarm for the same time every day. Shower. Eat breakfast. Put on ‘outside’ clothes. Plan your meals. Try and implement some of the suggestions below for caring for your body and mind.
Add a meditation or two to your daily routine.
Here are some Meditation Apps:
Set boundaries around exposure. Limit the amount of news and information you are absorbing.
We are beyond the mobilization stage. That stage where we were glued to the news for information on ‘what’ and ‘when’ things were going to change. We are now in a phase of enduring. Enduring until we hear that restrictions of gathering have been lifted. We don’t need to know every piece of news. Pick a daily broadcast, or briefing, and only take in the amount you absolutely need to know. The constant scrolling and news watching is zapping your energy. It’s too much on your body and it can overwhelm you and increase your anxiety.
Listen to music
Music soothes the soul. Many famous musicians are giving free concerts through their social media accounts and websites. Listen to your favorite songs. Put music on while you are cooking or working. Turn off the news and put on some music.
Get outside and exercise
Whether you can walk around the block or jog a few miles, you can activate your system and feel better through exercise. Especially if you are prone to depression. A little activation or your nervous system can make other tasks feel do-able. If you have an abundance of anxious energy to get out, you can release it through your body.
Keep your mind engaged in healthy ways
Write in a journal, read a book, watch a movie, play a game, occupy your mind on things that interest you or work on a project at home. This is a good time to get creative or to catch up with projects you may have put off.
Stay connected with others, social distancing does not mean social isolating. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, stay in touch with family members, utilize technology to your advantage and reach out.
Remember your coping skills
This is a time of crisis and energetically, we are feeling the struggle of everyone. Your nervous system is stressed. Your default ways of being will exacerbate now. Whatever you struggle with can begin to feel unbearable.
We can forget how to take care of ourselves during a time of deep stress. Bring back what has worked for you in the past and maybe do it more. Self care. Self care.
Keep perspective
Remember that this is temporary and it will pass. Utilize this time to plan and prepare for what you’ll want to do when this is over. We can come out stronger on the other side. Crisis is an opportunity for change. We don’t need to just survive this. Notice what is within you that needs tending to, and growth. We can come out as warriors – stronger, and with more wisdom of how to care for ourselves and those we love.
Start your day with an overview of your daily plan
It is very important to create a new sense of normal. To control what is within our control. What time do you plan on eating and showering? Going our for exercise. Working and/or homeschooling your children. Who will you connect with today? Set a time to make that call. What will you eat for lunch and dinner? What time will you start preparing? What activity do you plan on doing after dinner?
End the day with a review
Reflect on what you did during the day. You will end the day feeling accomplished and good if you have carried through on your daily plan of self care. If you haven’t, it’s okay. Have compassion for yourself. Tomorrow we begin again!