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April 2nd – 10am-12 noon

Let’s gather for a Spring Networking Event and discussion on How to Grow in Private Practice. It’s the perfect time to emerge and share your energy with everyone! I’m sure ready! It’s been a long 2-years managing COVID and this Spring feels like a turning point – a new beginning. So let’s manifest the growth we want to achieve for ourselves and our practices.

We will start with a social meet & great & treats. Then I, (Ellen Gregory, LMFT) will start us off in a discussion about scaling your practice, or adding to it. We will focus on how to grow your practice, create professional relationships, and how to network to increase collegial communities and referrals.

I would love for others to share the success they have had and the help they need in reaching the next level. Come prepared to share your business cards and any other material you may have.

If you have questions, reach out to

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